
There's a problem about reading

there is a problem about reading, which could happen to everyone, there is too much to read these days, and too little time to read every word of it, but the unfamiliarity with the words discourages us to read more.

actually no one can teach anyone how to read, or even how to read more effectively, because reading is a complex cognitive skill, which we cannot break down into a series of steps that a teacher can take into a class room and teach. however, anyone can learn to read or to read more effectively, because human are programmed to perfom a language acts such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, if provided with real opportunities , a minimum of guidance, in a stimulating, non-threatening context, they can learn to do these things with relative ease. Of course, the ability will vary among the students, but everyone can learn and everyone can improve. Here, the teachers’ job is to facilitate what is essentially a natural process, and to do this effectively, he must develop some understanding of that process.

One that is very important to students is that reading is nothing without understanding.the first thing to be understood about reading proscess is that reading comprehension is not essentially different from other kinds of comprehension. The mental tasks involved are not peculiar to reading but fundamental human cognitive acts. Understand the reading material or comprhension of any kind depend on knowledge. Comprehension means relating what we don’t know or new information to what already know which is not random collection of facts but “a theory of the world” in each of our heads called “cognitive structure”.

Assuming that student  does have a real interest in a subject, knows enough about it, and knows the language well enough to make sense of the text, what will he actually do when he reads it? What do any of us do? Common sense suggest that we read by steadly moving our eyes across the page, identifying clusters of letters of words, then adding word to word into prases, cluses, and sentences which we can, finally, decode for meaning, the thruth is that we donot read like that at any level, instead, we used our eyes to take in whole chunks of textin a series of short, jerky fixation called saccades, and even more surprisingly, the better readers we are, the less we actually see of the print on the page.

Reading is primarily cognitive process wich means that the brain does most of the work. In reading, that remarkale instrument must almost simultaneously, take in the information provided by the eyes, relate it to what is already knows about the subject, and thereby construct a full meaning for the text  which then becomes a part of what it knows about the subject and can thy it turn be used to make sense of minimum number of visual cues require to convert printed text to information, just it does in identifying other objects of vision , like streets, building, or people  that it knows. In none of these caseis there any need for the oberver  to take in every detail that his eyes can see but rather just enough to tell him what he is observing.  Thus the key to fluent reading is not a kind of visual gymnastics but, “what the brain tells the eye”, is much more important than “what the eye tells the brain” provided that the brain has acquired some skills in converting printed language into real language.

Confronted with people and objects that we know, we do recognize them instantly, but confronted with less familiar (though equally visible) faces and things, we are slower and less accurat in deciding whom or what we are looking at. Similarly, readers who know the written language well can move from marks on on a page to words and phrases quickly, whereas those who don’t know this language well may, no matter how clearly they “see” the marks, fail to recognize , or misidentify the language these marks are meant to evoke. Efficient use of the eyes in reading is not a matter of seeing some quantity of forms but of seeing  what is there automatically, in a series of fast and accurate fixation.

Here we are going to train our eyes and brain so they can work together  intensively, therefore we read efficiently. Although it was said that the eye doesn’t need to be trained, but for  the first step it is unavoidable.

There are hundreds of techniques you could learn to help you read faster and there are of three that are especially good. They will give you the overall meaning of what you are reading. And let you cut out an awful lot of unnecessary reading. There are commonsense, practical ways to get the meaning from printed words quickly and efficiently so you will have time to enjoy your comic books, have a good laugh with mark twain, or a good cry with war and peace, ready?

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